Sunday, 27 February 2011


I smiled at him and said "Got Gock?"

So Chef and I were lounging around watching tv and discussing my mass consuption of muffins.
We are going to do a good shopping when he is off on Monday ... well, in between the hours of his teaching job.
I am mega concerned about at least fitting into my fat jeans before the snow melts.
Thanks for the offer to help with the food list Faye! Hot Yoga? Wow you have drive girlfriend! I really do have to change my excercise habits from watching weight loss reality shows to actually being a weight loss reality. I didn't get fitter watching the 20 minute workout either - go figure.

I have to sit on my ample butt all day today to catch up on a ton of keyboarding. I start my next course on Monday (oh shit, that is tomorrow!) and I haven't really touched much. How come an ample butt does not give me padding??? Doesn't seem fair that it spreads out the side of my chair :(

The dog is going crazy upstairs - off to play with her for a bit. Poor thing. I can't take her for a walk because we negelected her nails when mil was here and they are painfully long. She gets a mani-pedi on Tuesday and then we are going to pound the pavement again.

So for now, my exercise consists of going up and down the stairs about 10 times a day ... I clench my cheeks and tell myself that I am excercising :)

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